Some ballpoint pen sketching…

I took a few photos earlier this month of some local dogs swimming in the slipway, which then inspired some doodling... Shake it off! 💦 Ballpoint pen on cartridge paper. This is a sketch of a lovely retriever named Ben, who has been launching himself into the local slipway for his daily swim for as … Continue reading Some ballpoint pen sketching…

Guber, pastels

Another drawing that has been on my to-do list for a while! Pastels on Pastelmat. I love PastelMat paper - it's now my favourite base when working with pastels, as the chalk sticks to it so well. I generally use a mix of Conte Crayons for their definition and bold colours, and a mix of … Continue reading Guber, pastels

Spring Geese, pen and watercolour

Broke out my watercolours for this, as felt I needed some bright colours while looking ahead to Spring on a cold and dreary winter day! Spring Geese, Winsor and Newton watercolours and Sakura Pigma Micron pen on Daler Rowney Aquafine paper. Photo reference from Pixabay.

Cygnet, Pastels

I quite often start drawings and then put them to one side for a while before going back and finishing them. I started this drawing earlier this year at a local pastels workshop, using my own reference photos that I'd taken of a black swan cygnet in Dawlish in 2017.